South Camden Community School
The Quad Project
Camden, London: 2003
South Camden Community School
Funded by:
CEEN in association with Learning Through Landscapes
Landscape Architect:
Levitt Bernstein Landscape Architects

The Central Quad was an unused and disliked part of the school "It looks like it's designed for old people". The new design was developed through a temporary experimental landscape project involving students from every year.

The outcome was the conversion of the restricted rectilinear space into an inviting Plaza-style flowing space, defined by curving terraced seating and terrain that facilitates social interaction and improved circulation. In addition a dark corridor that had been a bullying black spot was transformed with the use of lighting and mirrors into a bright and attractive space.

South Camden, Quad Project

"We can socialise and talk here, it's relaxable and peaceful"
(Year 8 pupils)

"This was real consultation and I'd say to other schools trust the process and go for it!“
(Rosemary Leek, Head Teacher)